Quieux Linux

How to Create a Bootable USB Drive

Using Rufus on Windows:
1. Download Rufus from the official website: rufus.ie
2. Connect the USB drive to your computer.
3. Open Rufus. It should automatically detect your USB drive.
4. In "Boot selection", click "Select" and choose the Quieux Linux ISO.
5. Leave the other options as default and click "Start".
6. Wait for the process to complete. A success message will appear when it's done.

Using the Terminal on Linux with the DD Command:
1. Connect the USB drive to your computer.
2. Identify the USB drive device with the command: sudo fdisk -l. It will be something like /dev/sdX.
3. Make sure the device is unmounted: sudo umount /dev/sdX*.
4. Use the DD command to create the bootable USB drive: sudo dd if=/path/to/quieux.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress.
5. Wait for the process to complete. When it's done, the terminal will return to the prompt.

How to Install Programs

Install .quel packages locally:
sudo quel -i *program path*

Remove installed programs from your computer:
sudo quel -r *program path*

Update the list of repositories:
sudo quel -u

Search for the package in the repository and download it for installation:
sudo quel -d *program name*

Search for the package in the public repository and download it for installation:
sudo quel -pub *program name*

How to Permanently Install Quieux Linux

Using Refracta Installer:
1. Download the Quieux Linux ISO and create a bootable USB drive following the instructions above.
2. Boot the computer from the USB drive.
3. In the live environment, open a terminal and run the Refracta Installer: sudo refractainstaller.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions:
  a. Select the "Install to partition" option and choose the desired partition.
  b. Configure the partition options as needed.
  c. Follow the prompts to configure GRUB and other settings.
5. When the installation is complete, restart the computer and remove the USB drive.
6. Quieux Linux should boot from the hard drive.

How to Create Your Own Package

Click here to check out a short instruction on how to create your own packages